Kite Flying on Fanø
Fanø is a Mekka for Kiteflyers and Fanø is known all over the world as one of the best places to fly kites.
The world's largest kite rally -Fanø International Kite Fliers Meeting - is organised each year in June on Fanø. 5000 kite flyers meet and create a party that is not found likely anywhere else in the world.
For a fortnight in the middle of June a lot of kites are flying above Fanø. Join everyone at the beach and experience kites in all sizes and shapes. There is a relaxing atmosphere and the kite flyers are more than happy to talk about their sport and their newest kites.
It all began in 1985 when Wolfgang Schimmelpfennig from Hamburg went to Fanø with a few friends to fly kites. This was so much fun that he decided to come back the next year and invited some more friends along.
Eversince the number of participants has grown, however, it is still Wolfgang and his friend Rainer Kregovski, who are the driving forces of the event. The event is not a business and if you ask Wolfgang and Rainer, this is how it should continue forever.
It is an amazing view when that many kites are in the air at once. From traditional diamond shaped kites to great fantasy characters. Many are homemade, on which hundreds of hours has been spend. These are often displayed for the first time during the festival.