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Unterwater trail at Dykkerklubben Marsvinet

Under the waves by the dive club there is an underwater trail, which follows the stone reef out into the little belt. The trail is ideal for novice scuba divers.

What can you see?
The underwater trail is 50 meters long with a maximum depth of 12 meters. There are 9 markers along the trail providing information about what you can see in that area of the reef. The signs are numbered 1-9 with an arrow pointing to the next marker. You will learn about the rich variety of life that lives on the stone reef. Read more about the butterfish with antifreeze proteins in its blood and the viviparous blenny that gives birth to 50-300 live young or about the lumpfish’s ability to suck itself onto the reef. Dive down and find out how many kilos of force it takes to pull a lumpfish from a stone.

How to find: Coming from Brovejen (Road 161) turn at Hessgade. At the end of the street (at Café Razz), turn left and you can find parking space on the harbour front. The underwater trail starts by the two red buoys outside the local diving club Marsvinet.

Longtitude: 55.30317
Latitude: 9.43170

Google Earth Coordinates:
Latitude: 55.508611
Longtitude: 9.721389

Getting in and up the water: The reef is an extension of the shore. Enter/get up by the boat slide. Swim around the small bridge and follow the stone circle to the reef, which starts just off the clubhouse of the diving club Marsvinet Lillebælt.
Highlights: Stone reef, holes and hiding places, the fish of the stone reef that may change according to the season: viviparous blenny, topknot, goby, lumpfish and goldsinny wrasse. Learn about life on the stone reef.
Air filling station: You can get your airbottle refilled at Hindsgavl Camping in Middelfart (open all year round) during opening times: Hindsgavl Camping. Alternatively ask the local diving club in Middelfart, Tel.: +45 3311 1323 : Dykkerklubben Marsvinet
Best season: The trail is open all year round
Dangerous areas: Avoid getting out in the belt and make sure your diving spot is clearly marked with A-flag. Sailing close to land occurs throughout the year.
Depth: Max depth 12m.
Length: 50m
Tide: Can be strong further out, but rarely close to the beach. Keep an eye on the movement of the buoys and check the sea prognosis before entering the water.
Level of difficulty (1-5): 2-3
Permissions: None
Facilities: There are showers and toilets at the old harbour (200m from here) and there are changing rooms and a tank filling station at the dive club Marsvinet-Lillebælt during opening hours.
Photo opportunities: Good opportunities for macro.

 Watch what the listening station at Old Harbour tells about the stone reef:

Developed with the support of:
Ministry of Housing
Urban and Rural Affairs
Danish Outdoor Council
Middelfart Municipality
Diving club Marsvinet
Middelfart Savings Bank