Vesterborg Kirke
1805-31 Vesterborg was residence for the first real bishop of the newly constituted diocese of Lolland-Falster, P.O.Boisen.
On that occasion the church was reconstructed in the style of early 19th century: Larger windows, a small tower, altar painting by the Eckersberg-pupil Nic. Wolff depicting the women at the tomb of Jesus Easter morning.
In the church a memorial plate over the founders of Vesterborg Teachers Seminary: Count C.D.F.Reventlow. teacher A.Hansen and P.O.Boisen.
Remains of medieval wallpaintings by the altar: The Holy Trinity, God the Father presenting his crucified Son, between them the dove of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter with the keys of the Kingdom, the Apostle Paul with the sword of God´s word. The symbols of the four evangelists.
On the graveyard the family grave of Bishop P.O.Boisen.