Entry to Denmark

Foto: Terry Mclaughlin - Copenhagen Media Center

If you've got this far, it must mean this relationship is starting to get serious! We want to tie the knot and make sure you get to know all our everyday wonders - and the quirky bits too. So here's a bit of helpful information about Denmark's visas and immigration rules.

Is Denmark part of the European Union?

Yes, Denmark is a member of the European Union, which means travel to and from Denmark is governed by EU law. Therefore, different entry requirements may apply depending on where you're travelling from, and what your nationality is.

It's easy to get to and from Copenhagen Airport with public transport

Foto:Jasper Carlberg - CPH Airport

What are the visa and entry requirements to Denmark?

EU citizens can travel freely to Denmark; citizens of other countries may require a visa. If you travel to Denmark from outside the Schengen agreement area, you may also require a visa. See here if you are from a country where you will need a visa to enter Denmark

Brexit and Denmark


UK citizens can travel to any country in the Schengen area, including Denmark, for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. That also applies if you are visiting Denmark to attend business meetings, cultural or sporting events, or for short term studies or training. The whole visit has to be within the 90-day limit and visits to other Schengen countries within the previous 180 days count towards your 90 days.

At the Danish border control, UK citizens may need to use separate lanes from EU, EEA and Swiss citizens when queuing. Your passport may be stamped on entry and exit. 

Business travellers

If you come to Denmark for work or a longer stay and are a UK citizen, from 1 January 2021 you will have to apply for permission. If you are in Denmark with a visa or permit, the trip does not count towards your 90-day limit.

Further information is available from the British Foreign Office and the Danish Foreign Ministry

Havnebussen i København

Apply for a short term visa to Denmark

Foto: Astrid Maria Rasmussen - Copenhagen Media Center

The Schengen Agreement

Denmark is part of the European Union's Schengen Agreement, which means that you do not need to show your national ID card or passport when you are travelling to or from Denmark from another Schengen EU country. You are still recommended to bring your passport or ID card with you in case you need to prove your identity. Some airline operators still require you to present a passport even for travels within the Schengen area.

Schengen countries

The following countries are part of the Schengen Agreement: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Can I bring my pet to Denmark?

There are certain restrictions to bringing pets and other animals in to Denmark. Consult the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration website to see what rules exist regarding your pet.

Dog at the beach of Løkken

Foto:Mette Johnsen

Quick facts about entering Denmark

Denemarken is onderdeel van de Schengen overeenkomst, dit betekent dat er geen paspoort controle meer is tussen de Schengen landen in Europa. Je bent echter wel verplicht om een identiteitsbewijs (bijvoorbeeld paspoort) te alle tijden bij je te dragen in Denemarken.

Waar vind je de Deense Ambassade in Nederland en België? En hoe kun je terecht bij de Nederlandse Ambassade in Denemarken? Alle gegevens op een rij:

Deense Ambassade in Nederland

Koninginnegracht 30 
2514 AB Den Haag 
Telefoon: 070 302 5959 
E-mail: haaamb@um.dk 
De Deense Ambassade in Nederland

Deense Ambassade in België 

Aarlenstraat 73 
B-1040 Brussel 
Tel. 02 233 09 23
De Deense Ambassade in België

Nederlandse Ambassade in Denemarken

Toldbodgade 33 
DK-1253 Kopenhagen K 
Tel. (+45) 33 70 72 00
De Nederlandse Ambassade in Denemarken

Belgische Ambassade 

Øster Alle 7 
DK-2100 Kopenhagen Ø 
Tel. (+45) 35 25 02 00
E-mail: copenhagen@diplobel.fed.be
Ambassade en consulaten van België in Denemarken

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration website contains full details on which animals you can bring to Denmark and under what conditions. You can also read more about Pet Passports.

The following countries are part of the Schengen Agreement: 
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

There is a passport control when entering Denmark from a country outside the Schengen area and some nationalities need a visa to enter Denmark. Following Brexit, UK citizens are not required to have a visa to visit Denmark. You can check visa requirements for your country at the Danish Immigration Service’s website.

Useful information about importation and exportation

De import, export, verkoop, versturen, op recept, productie, verwerking of het bezitten van drugs is verboden. Cannabis wordt ook gezien als drugs.

Er zijn verschillende regels m.b.t. het importeren en exporteren van alcohol en/of tabak. Dit is afhankelijk van of je binnen of buiten de EU reist. Bezoek de Danish Tax Authority’s website voor meer informatie over hoeveel je precies mag meenemen wanneer je aankomt in en vertrekt uit Denemarken.

Bekijk de Danish Veterinary and Food Administration website om meer te weten te komen over de regels rondom het meenemen van voeding naar Denemarken.

If you live outside the EU, you can reclaim the VAT you pay on goods you purchase in Denmark. You will be reimbursed between 10% and 19%, which amounts to the VAT minus and administration fee and you can only claim on purchases that are over 300kr. 

Refunds are only available for purchases made in shops which are part of the scheme. For more on the scheme and how to claim back VAT, visit the Planet website or the Global Blue Denmark website.

In Denemarken is het verkrijgen, bezitten, vervoeren of gebruikmaken van vuurwapens, messen of andere gevaarlijke wapens verboden, behalve wanneer er specifieke toestemming is gegeven door de politie. Zelfverdedigingssprays (zoals pepperpray) zijn ook verboden.

Je hebt een speciale vergunning nodig om messen of dolken bij je te dragen wanneer het blad langer is dan 12 cm. Dit geldt niet voor messen die gebruikt worden in bedrijven of huishoudens of gebruikt worden tijdens het vissen, jagen of duiken.